It's the time of year again... went up to the mountains with my family yesterday and picked out a tree. This is one of my favorite days of the year. Cut a tree, eat at a local restaurant, then shop Main St. in Blowing Rock. There was even a few inches of snow on the ground this year which our three year old thought was, of course, the best part!
So I haven't posted anything in almost a month... not because I'm lazy, but because I've been too busy! As you probably know, pictures make great Christmas gifts so naturally all of my clients have been ordering like crazy. On top of that I've had several portrait, engagement, and bridal sessions in the last month. To top it off, I've booked three more weddings for next year. Brides... book now! I am only accepting one wedding a month in 2010 so once they're gone, they're gone.
I made one exception to my rule and double booked for January. I've got a sweet bride who was planning on a June wedding, but her fiance is getting deployed to Iraq early so they're shooting for New Year's weekend. If you've followed my blogs you know I love our men and women in uniform... so much I give them an automatic 10% off right from the get go. I'm looking forward to capturing some great memories for this deserving couple.
Merry Christmas to all!
p.s. Here's a pic of my kitchen. Another reason I haven't blogged lately... discovered that the ice maker hose came loose weeks ago and has been secretly ruining our floor. Everything buckled on Thanksgiving day. We've had very loud fans blowing for a week straight (24/7) and will hopefully get a new floor laid this week along with new cabinetry to replace the damaged. Thank you homeowners' insurance!