First off is a family whose little girl I photographed when she was just six months old. Today she's a happy toddler (2.5) and has a baby brother who's six months old. It had been two years since they last took any pictures of any kind, so they decided it was time again. We went to Francis Beatty Park in Weddington (one of my favorite places to shoot) over Memorial Day weekend. We had a great time, and just beat the huge thunderstorm that rolled through right as we were finishing up. Phew!
Second is my first product from this summer's Mini Sessions. This is sweet, five year old Keira. Don't you just love her hair and beaming smile? We went with a "tea party" theme right here in my neighborhood. I live in a very unique, charming neighborhood in Ballantyne with over 9 acres of parks, so we had plenty of locations to choose from. My eldest daughter, Ava, also enjoyed "playing" with Keira at the tea party. They were both smiling the whole time, so my mission was accomplished!