That's how long I have left until my due date. I went to the OB today, and this little girl is already 5lb 2oz. Our daughter was 5lb 4oz. at birth, so her sister is definitely going to be bigger! As a result, I'm hoping for a January baby instead of the targeted date of February 7th.
So I finished up Nicky and Dave's Italy proofs. They are as gorgeous as ever and I'm really proud of the results. I posted a lot a few posts back, so I'll just add a few more here.
I'm now working on Karen and John's December wedding at St. Mary's uptown and am trying to finish it before my final "pre maternity leave" wedding on January 17th. I have confident clients, don't I! Only three weeks before my due date, but no worries, I have an awesome photographer assisting me and ready to take over should I not make it :)
I'll do my best to post the results of all that I'm working on before the little babe arrives, but ultimately Mother Nature will dictate. Happy 2009!
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