I was due two days ago. TWO DAYS! Everyone says the second ones come early and fast, but not my little girl. She's taking her sweet time. If she doesn't show up on her own by Thursday, then I'm getting induced. I'm cool with this, but also a little scared. You see, I have a thing with numbers. My husband thinks I'm crazy. I only like even numbers. When we moved to Charlotte three years ago I made him switch our new phone number because it ended in 13. I picked out a new one, which ends "2100" and ever since then we get calls ALL THE TIME from people trying to call Sears. I've memorized their phone number (543-2100) so I can be of assistance everytime I pick up the phone and hear someone confusidly say "um... is this Sears?"
Anyway, Thursday is great because it's 2/12. Also, 12 is my alltime favorite number, and this Thursday happens to be President Lincoln's birthday which I also think is cool since he was one of the greatest Presidents this country has ever had. You've probably figured out what I'm afraid of, and that is FRIDAY! It's Friday the 13th! Can you imagine what a little terror this girl could turn out to be? Keep your fingers crossed for me!
that's funny!! :)
we'll be praying she comes on the 12th!
Mary, this is a beautiful photo of you. I love the simplicity and quiet of you waiting (even though I am sure you are about to jump out of your skin). I am thinking of you and hope that all goes well!
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