Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Summer Mini Sessions Are Here!

Hey everyone! It's that time of year again... mini sessions are here! Has it been way too long since your kids had professional pictures taken? If so, this might be the answer for you. Mini sessions are great because they don't take much time, and the date, time, and location are set in advance. The results, however, are the same: great images!

So here's the DL:
When: Friday, June 11th
Where: Lion & Bear Park in Ardrey Neighborhood {Ballantyne}
Time: 30 minute slots from 9:00am - 7:00pm
Cost: $60 per session (this is a 40% discount from a regular, full-length session)
BONUS: 25% of all proceeds from session fee and orders goes to the Lift Up Ellie fund. {Ellie is an 8 year old Ardrey resident battling a rare form of cancer.}

What's included:
  • Private, online gallery of proofs
  • Less than two week turnaround
  • Two 5x7s and one 8x10 of your choice
  • Props will be on site, but feel free to bring your own "toys" too!

Check out the below postcards I've posted on Facebook for more details. Click on either to enlarge. Call or email today to claim your spot! Reservations are required, and the day will book up quickly!

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